The Natural Beauty of Nepal

Abinash Chaudhary

Nepal, a small and beautiful country, lies in South Asia between two big countries, China and India. Indeed though Nepal is a small country, it's veritably rich in natural beauty. The country has altitudinous mountains, green timbers, presto-flowing gutters, and clear blue skies. People from all over the world visit Nepal to see its natural prodigies.


The Himalayan mountains in Nepal are veritably notorious. These mountains are the loftiest in the world. Mount Everest, the altitudinous mountain on Earth, is in Nepal. numerous rovers and pedestrians come to Nepal every time to see these big, snow-covered mountains. The Himalayas also have numerous beautiful denes and lakes that make Nepal indeed more special.

Nepal is also called the" Land of Rivers." There are numerous gutters that flow through the country. These gutters are clean and fast. People enjoy buying and fumbling with them. The gutters not only make the land green and rich but also give us electricity by turning big water buses called hydropower shops.


The timbers of Nepal are full of life. They're home to numerous creatures and catcalls. Some creatures like barracuda, mammoths, and rhinos can be set up in Nepal’s public premises . These premises , like Chitwan and Bardiya, cover wildlife and let callers enjoy the beauty of nature. The timbers are also full of altitudinous trees and various flowers, which make them veritably peaceful places to visit.

Nepal has numerous beautiful hills and denes. The hills are covered with green shops and are perfect for hiking. The denes, like Pokhara and Kathmandu, are girdled by mountains and have gutters and lakes. Pokhara, known as the" City of Lakes," is one of the most beautiful places in Nepal. People enjoy voyaging in its lakes and watching the mountains reflected in the water.


Nepal’s rainfall is also special. It has four seasons spring, summer, afterlife, and downtime. Spring is various with flowers, and the afterlife has clear skies and fresh air. This makes it a stylish time for touring and traveling. Each season adds to the beauty of the country and makes it a great place to visit.

The people of Nepal are also part of its beauty. They're kind and friendly. They drink callers with big grins and show them their traditions and culture. Callers can enjoy the original food, music, and carnivals, which make their trip indeed more pleasurable.


Nepal is truly a gift of nature. Its mountains, gutters, timbers, and people make it one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Visiting Nepal is like stepping into a natural paradise. This small country teaches us to love and watch for the terrain, and it reminds us how beautiful the world can be.


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